Staff Profile Form

Please take a moment to fill out these details about yourself. We will take information from your answers below to create a profile about you for our staff page. Please answer as many questions that you can. We may not use them all, but the more you answer the more details our parents will have about you.

What sports, social groups, or activities do you participate in at school/college (or post grad)!
Including this summer, how many years have you been on staff at High Rocks?
Please enter a number greater than or equal to 1.
What is a fun fact about you that others may not know?
We are planning on featuring all of our staff through the spring on our social media feeds. For new staff, we need a photo of you to use! We try to use photos that are just of you with no other folks in them. A photo with no filter is the best. The goal is kid-friendly photos. Any outdoors photos that we can clearly see your face are a bonus!
Max. file size: 8 MB.